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Water Testing and Safety

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The Town of Inuvik is committed to providing clean, safe and reliable drinking water to all the residents and businesses within the Town. At present, the Town has a Class 2 water treatment system that incorporates tempering for year round filtration and chlorine to disinfect the water. The current source of water comes from the East Branch of the Mackenzie River and Three Mile Lake during the winter and from Hidden Lake in the summer. Hidden Lake, which is used as a reservoir, is filled by water piped from Three Mile Lake, which is (surprise!) three miles away.

The associated treatment facilities are reaching the intended lifespans and, as a result, the Town is currently in the process of upgrading such facilities by building a larger water treatment plant with new filtration, disinfection and storage, as well as provide year-round river intake and raw pump station.

Water Testing and Annual Reports

In an effort to ensure a safe and clean drinking water supply for the Town of Inuvik, the Public Works department through consultation with an engineering firm, test and collect samples according to NWT Public Water Supply Regulations, made under the Public Health Act and the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality. These tests and reports provide information on the drinking water distribution system, the quality of water, etc.

Water quality test results and reports are available below:  

Water Quality Test Reports

Treated Water Report [January 2017] 1183291

Raw Water Report [January 2017] 1183301

Treated Water Testing Report [July 2014] 1081731

Raw Water Testing Report [July 2015]1081737