The purpose of the Town of Inuvik Donation and Sponsorship Policy MG.001 is:
All requests for a donation must be made in writing and provide supporting details that the event is providing an economic or cultural/social benefit to the community and surrounding region.
A not-for-profit group must be sponsoring the event and this group must complete the written application.
A detailed budget showing proposed revenues and expenditures for the event must be submitted with the application. Council reserves the right to request a financial statement for the previous year prepared by a qualified person.
Territorial and national competitions may be eligible for a donation.
All requests for a donation received by the Town shall be reviewed by Administration to ensure the request includes the information required as stated in this policy (i.e. evidence they are a not-for-profit group, economic benefit is clearly stated, detailed budget includes all revenues and expenditures for the event, etc.) before the request is presented to Council.
Not-for-profit groups may request a reduction or elimination of fees from the Town of Inuvik for the use of Town facilities. *Any reduction or elimination of fees including requests for in-kind donation of space at Town facilities can only be done by motion of Council.* This reduction or elimination of fees shall only be done in exceptional circumstances and will not be granted for licensed events using Town facilities.
Youth and student groups may be eligible to apply for reduced facility user fees up to 50 % of the current subsidized rate provided they show a statement of need and that the registration fees are in line with similar groups in the region. This can be applied to sports tournaments and clinics.
Organizations requesting donations from the Town of Inuvik that require Council approval under this policy shall ensure that a representative is present at the Council meeting to answer questions or provide additional information. Council reserves the right to postpone making a decision until such time as a representative is available to attend.
Council shall make the decision on approval of all requests for a donation unless otherwise specified in this policy.
*Please refer to the policy for complete details.