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Snow Removal and Sanding

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Winter Road

Our Public Works Department makes every effort to ensure that our streets and sidewalks are clear of snow and properly sanded during the winter months. Checkout the maps below for your reference. 

Checkout the Snow Removal Map here

Checkout the Snow Sanding Map here

Please be patient as we complete this process.

Snow plowing and/or removal, as well as sanding, will be started after a heavy snowfall (15 cm) or once accumulations have reached 15 cm.

As shown on the snow management and sanding maps below, the priority areas are as follows:

 Snow Removal 

Snow Removal Map


Priority One: High traffic areas throughout the Town

Priority Two: Streets leading to important facilities (example: solid waste disposal facility)

Priority Three: Secondary streets with average traffic  

Priority Four: Other Streets are cleared once all other major areas are completed.


Depending on the level of snowfall, conditions and work load, this process may take a day or two. Should another 15cm of snow accumulate during the snow removal process, priorities will shift back to one and two. Remember to use caution when passing snow removal equipment as visibility is limited and equipment may stop and/or back up suddenly. Please take care when driving and watch for icy patches and drifting snow.


Road Sanding Map


Priority One: Major intersections, and high traffic areas throughout the Town

Priority Two: Main thoroughfares and other intersections

Priority Three: Other Streets are cleared once all other major areas are completed.

 Homeowner's Responsibilities
 Also please remember it is your responsibility to: 
  • Keep the areas surrounding the Utilidors and access to them free of snow and other items so work crews have easy access to them. When ploughing snow in your yards, please use caution around Utilidors so they do not get damaged.
  • Do not obstruct the view or flow of traffic on the roadway when piling snow.
  • Ensure freeze protection for the Utilidettes. We would like to remind home owners to make sure that their freeze protection (heat tapes, circ. lines and heat loops) for Utilidettes are in working order as temperatures dip, more households will experience freeze-ups in Utilidettes.
  • Clearing and Sanding of Sidewalks. Every owner of a building whether occupied or unoccupied, or vacant land is responsible for clearing and sanding any sidewalks abutting the building or land of ice or snow.
  • Snow, ice or slush removed from private property cannot be deposited into the streets. 
The Town of Inuvik endeavours to provide a reasonable standard of care in our sidewalk clearing operations. Our objective is to provide a safe walking environment for pedestrians during the time of year when winter conditions can be expected. The Town's Highway Traffic By-law regulates the removal of snow, ice, dirt and other obstructions from the sidewalks, highways, Utilidor right-of-ways and public places within the Town. Sidewalks are plowed when accumulation exceeds 8-10cm. Sand will be applied to sidewalks as soon as practicable after becoming aware that sidewalks are icy.

 As always, we're working hard to make Inuvik a better place for everyone to live and enjoy.