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 Where exactly is Inuvik located? 
Inuvik is located at 68° 21′ 42″ N, 133° 43′ 50″ W. Inuvik is positioned along the East Channel of the Mackenzie River Delta and is 97 km south of the Beaufort Sea. Inuvik is 10 degrees farther west than Vancouver and 2 degrees above the Arctic Circle.
What is the population of Inuvik?
The population of Inuvik is 3,536 according to NWT Bureau of Statistics (2018).
How cold can it get in the winter and how warm does it get in the summer?
The extreme low is -56.7 degrees Celsius (-70.06 degrees Fahrenheit). The extreme high is +31.7 degrees Celsius (89.06 degrees Fahrenheit). The mean average temperature over the course of one year is -9.7 degrees Celsius
Is it true that the sun does not set in the summertime?
Inuvik enjoys 56 days of 24 hour daylight (late June, July and part of August) and has 30 days without sunlight, mostly in the month of December, with the return of the sun in early January.
How can I obtain further information on Inuvik and the Beaufort Delta region?
For further information please email: