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Public Advisory: Positive Case of Rabies in Inuvik Confirmed

Posted on Saturday March 26, 2022


March 26, 2022

The emergency after hours phone number listed on the original Advisory was incorrect.

It has now been corrected.

For General Inquiries regarding Animal Control at the Town of Inuvik please phone 867.777.8616.

For After Hours or Emergencies related to domestic dogs in Inuvik, please phone 867.678.2196


Advisory – Town of Inuvik Protective Services, Municipal Enforcement

March 25, 2022

A fox in Inuvik has recently tested positive for rabies. This fox was discovered as a result of an altercation with a domestic dog. The dog’s owner acted responsibly, contacted the appropriate authorities, and complied with a quarantine order, which allowed us to safely manage the interaction and consequences.

With this confirmed case of rabies being found in Inuvik, there is a potential risk of being exposed to this fatal disease if you or your dog are bitten, scratched or in contact with foxes in the community.

If you have been bitten, licked, scratched or in contact with a fox, or by any dog who is behaving oddly and/or after it was in contact with a fox, you should contact the Inuvik Regional Hospital and report the incident immediately and be assessed for your exposure. Rabies in humans is fatal without urgent treatment.

Animals with rabies can have different symptoms, including being fearful, aggressive, excessive drooling, difficulty swallowing, staggering, walking backwards, abnormal vocalizations/moaning, paralysis and seizures. Aggressive behavior is possible, but rabid animals may also often be very shy or calm and acting or moving strangely.

If you see a puppy/dog showing signs of rabies or if your dog has been attacked by a fox, please contact your ENR wildlife officer to report the contact immediately.

Getting your dogs vaccinated for rabies is an important way to reduce the risk for you and our community. Vaccines can be provided by Lay Vaccinators – please contact DHSS Environmental Health Officer or the Territorial Veterinarian to arrange contact with a Lay Vaccinator.

If you are a hunter, dog musher or otherwise regularly handle wildlife and animals, please ensure that your own rabies vaccination is up to date.

For general information about rabies please see

This is a reminder and precautionary tale for pet owners:

  • Ensure your dogs have been vaccinated for Rabies.
  • When outside, ensure your dog is secure with a sturdy lead and be alert for any fox interactions.
  • While walking, ensure that you have control of your dog to prevent fox/dog interactions.

For general inquiries, contact 777.8616, for public safety emergencies related to domestic dogs, contact 678.2196.